Here's some of the questions that we used for our discussion last night. Feel free to add you thoughts or comments!
1. How do you feel about the world?
Do you think the world is getting better or worse?
2. What does it mean to live how God created you to live?
If we believe God's way of life is the best way to live, why is it so hard for us to do it?
3. Do you believe that the Bible's story of creation is not just something that happened, but actually something that's happening?
Are we faced with the same choices as Adam and Eve?
4. How can we help God in taking care of the world?
Are you helping out?
5. Do you think that what we do today matters for eternity?
Are the choices you're making now shaping you into the kind of person you'll be forever?
6. Does your faith help you understand the world we live in?
Does it makd your life easier or more difficult on a day to day basis?
7. What are some places in the world where you see God?
Are you leaving some of your own fingerprints on the world? What are they?
8. What does it mean to be partnering with God in making the world the kind of place He intended it to be?
Are you partnering with God?