Tuesday, June 27, 2006

It was fantastic to have Kenny Toews share with us last night! Kenny has been a friend of mine for quite some time. Darrin and I even got to be in bible college with him and his wife Charlene! So we were quite excited to have him come share his heart at Amplify. The two things that stood out to me where the his key words "eager" and "desperate". How eager am I to persue God? Where is my level of desperation of God at? Those are always good questions to keep before you, especially as the summer comes around and it gets easier to have a "holiday" mentatlity. Please - don't stop persuing and chasing after God this summer! Enjoy the sun, have a blast, but remember to that God wants to be first in our lives, not just an add on.

Another notes: If you're interested in being baptized in water please talk to Kyle or me! It's a great step of obedience to proclaim your faith and your desire to follow Jesus for the rest of your life by being baptized.

Also: please remember to pray for Brandon Moltzhan, after Amplify a guy ran a stop sign and T-boned Brandon's car. Brandon's not seriously hurt, however I imagine that he will be dealing with a bunch of pain in the next few weeks.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Sorry folks, it's been a while since this site has seen any action. So, last night we had Pastor Garry share about "seeing". I thought it was a real amazing talk! I've even had those thoughts wondering: what do blind people think of since they've never seen trees, or mountains, or colours? But for us, spiritual blindness is a much widespread problem. I hope God has started to open you eyes to see things from His perspective, and not just from our limited perspective.

The week before James shared about the nessecity of having a strong foundation. I thought James did a terrific job, and we're going to try to expand on that theme of foundations in the weeks to come.

Kyle shared the week before James, but to honest I totally forget what it was about!! I remember it being good though lol! Ummmm ... oh right ... God's will for our life. Maybe God's not as interested in our destination, maybe He's more involved in our journey.

Thoughts on any of these? Please comment!