History maker already! you have no idea how jealious i am to hear that you get to go to HM while i'm stuck here in Burundi :P i cant wait to hear all about it!hint hint on the emails! have a great time, missing you all, from Marissa in Burundi Africa
It will be great, and you will be missed! Thanks for the comment though! How sad is it for our blog that our only comment in MONTHS comes from Africa ;)
History maker already! you have no idea how jealious i am to hear that you get to go to HM while i'm stuck here in Burundi :P i cant wait to hear all about it!hint hint on the emails! have a great time, missing you all, from Marissa in Burundi Africa
It will be great, and you will be missed! Thanks for the comment though! How sad is it for our blog that our only comment in MONTHS comes from Africa ;)
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