Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Kyle shared about enduring hardships last night. Here's a list of some of the questions that he asked, feel free to comment and respond - let us know what you think!

- Is God at fault for hard times? Or does God allow them to just happen?

- Do we want a God that will take away all hardship?

- Hardship makes us mature. Would we rather be immature then face hardship?

- Do you think God wants to punish you/ have a curse on you/ be absent from you?

- Hardship screams out “how much faith do you really have? How can James say consider it joy when you face trials?

- Do you feel like you’re out of God’s will when bad things happen? What about Job in the bible?

- Does abundant life with God mean little hardships?

- Share a story in your life when life sucked, How did you cope?


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